Haryana Staff Selection Commission Recruitment 2022 (www.hssc.gov.in) 7471 - Trained Graduate Teacher (TGT) Posts. Apply Now

Haryana Staff Selection Commission Recruitment 2022 . -

Haryana Staff Selection Commission Job Alert: HSSC has released Apply Online application for the Trained Graduate Teacher (TGT) Posts. HSSC are introduce total 7471 vacancies (following details under below). For Opening and closing dates, official notification, eligibility criteria, online application form link in the article below. Job aspirant can apply for Haryana Staff Selection Commission through Apply Online on or before 26th October 2022

Willing aspirant may get more information regarding this job or more other related jobs, may go through this mentioned site WWW.educationheaven.com.

Haryana Staff Selection Commission Recruitment Job Notification 2022.

=> Haryana Staff Selection Commission <=

Name of Department -: Haryana Staff Selection Commission

Job Profile -: Trained Graduate Teacher (TGT)

Total Vacancies -: 7471 posts. 

Details of Vacancies in Brief -:
Rest of Haryana Post

1. TGT English - 1751
2. TGT Home Science - 73
3. TGT Music - 10
4. TGT Physical Education - 821
5. TGT Arts - 1443
6. TGT Sanskrit - 714
7. TGT Science - 1297
8. TGT Urdu - 21

9. TGT Hindi - 106
10. TGT Sanskrit - 212
11. TGT Urdu - 100
12. TGT Science - 234
13. TGT Mathematics - 93
14. TGT Music - 01
15. TGT Physical Education - 246
16. TGT Arts - 260
17. TGT Social Studies - 83
18. TGT Home Science - 06

Way to Apply -: Apply Online

Age -: Job aspirant should be existing between 18 to 42 years.. For relaxation in age limit, visit at official site. Follow all the instructions which are issued by the govt.

Educational Skills -: Job aspirant should passed Bachelor’s Degree with BTC/JBT/D.Ed. (Diploma in Education)/Diploma in Elementary Education (D.EI.Ed.) or Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.)/B.Ed. (Special Education) or B.EI.Ed, Certificate of having qualified Haryana Teacher Eligibility Test (HTET) /School Teachers Eligibility Test (STET) or equivalent examinations from authorized board / institute as per govt forms.

Job Salary -: Deemed Suitable or selected aspirant will get pay scale of Rs. 9300 ‐ 34800/- With 4600/- Grade Pay as per decided by govt. department.The reserved categories shall be applied in accordance with the terms and conditions which are issued by the government.

Process to Apply -: Selection of aspirants will be done on the basis of their performance in Written Exam, Socio-economic criteria that will be taken by the recruitment panel of organization.

Job Location - All Over India

How could we apply for Haryana Staff Selection Commission ? -:
=> Interested candidate click on official website, as www.hssc.gov.in
=> Go to homepage then click on “Recruitment / Careers” tab.
=> Now you will get the list of various links then click on most appropriate link.
=> Inside this clicked link, you will get the complete information about the posts.
=> Read all information and instructions which are mentioned in it.
=> Now follow all the steps which are mentioned and fill the provided application form in the prescribed manner with duly take care and attached all the required documents.
=> Candidate must attached their colored passport size photograph /certificates/ signature and other required documents, if required.
=> All documents and certificate should be intelligible.
=> Once the application form filled successfully, applicants submit the form. 26th October 2022.

Job Important Dates -: 26th October 2022

Main Website For Haryana Staff Selection Commission -:-www.hssc.gov.in


Haryana Staff Selection Commission Application Form stands invalid if -:-
=> Providing wrong information in the Application form.
=> Not complete information filled in the mentioned form.
=> Providing misleading information
=> More than one application form is submitted by Single candidate. Only Single of the application will be considered for final submission.


Union Public Service Commission Recruitment 2022 (www.upsc.gov.in.) 285 - Combined Geo-Scientist Exam Posts. Apply Now

Union Public Service Commission Recruitment 2022 . -

Union Public Service Commission Job Alert: UPSC has released Apply Online application for the Combined Geo-Scientist Exam Posts. UPSC are introduce total 285 vacancies (following details under below). For Opening and closing dates, official notification, eligibility criteria, online application form link in the article below. Job aspirant can apply for Union Public Service Commission through Apply Online on or before 11th October 2022

Willing aspirant may get more information regarding this job or more other related jobs, may go through this mentioned site WWW.educationheaven.com.

Union Public Service Commission Recruitment Job Notification 2022.

=> Union Public Service Commission <=

Name of Department -: Union Public Service Commission

Job Profile -: Combined Geo-Scientist Exam

Total Vacancies -: 285 posts. 

Details of Vacancies in Brief -:
1. Combined Geo-Scientist Exam - 285

Way to Apply -: Apply Online

Age -: Job aspirant should be existing between 21 to 32 years as on 01-01-2023.. For relaxation in age limit, visit at official site. Follow all the instructions which are issued by the govt.

Educational Skills -: Job aspirant should passed Master’s degree in the respective disciplines or equivalent examinations from authorized board / institute as per govt forms.

Job Salary -: Deemed Suitable or selected aspirant will get pay scale of as per decided by govt. department.The reserved categories shall be applied in accordance with the terms and conditions which are issued by the government.

Process to Apply -: Selection of aspirants will be done on the basis of their performance in Preliminary Exam, Mains Examination, Interview/ Personality Test that will be taken by the recruitment panel of organization.

Job Forms fee -: Under General/OBC Category Applicant Has To pay Fee Rs. 200/- & Under (ST/SC/PH/BC) One has to pay fee exempted .

Job Location - All Over India

How could we apply for Union Public Service Commission ? -:
=> Interested candidate click on official website, as www.upsc.gov.in.
=> Go to homepage then click on “Recruitment / Careers” tab.
=> Now you will get the list of various links then click on most appropriate link.
=> Inside this clicked link, you will get the complete information about the posts.
=> Read all information and instructions which are mentioned in it.
=> Now follow all the steps which are mentioned and fill the provided application form in the prescribed manner with duly take care and attached all the required documents.
=> Candidate must attached their colored passport size photograph /certificates/ signature and other required documents, if required.
=> All documents and certificate should be intelligible.
=> Once the application form filled successfully, applicants submit the form. 11th October 2022.

Job Important Dates -: 11th October 2022

Main Website For Union Public Service Commission -:-www.upsc.gov.in.


Union Public Service CommissionApplication Form stands invalid if -:-
=> Providing wrong information in the Application form.
=> Not complete information filled in the mentioned form.
=> Providing misleading information
=> More than one application form is submitted by Single candidate. Only Single of the application will be considered for final submission.


Staff Selection Commission Recruitment 2022 (https://ssc.nic.in/) Approx 20,000 - Combined Graduate Level Examination, 2022 Posts. Apply Now

Staff Selection Commission Recruitment 2022 . -

Staff Selection Commission Job Alert: SSC has released Apply Online application for the Combined Graduate Level Examination, 2022 Posts. SSC are introduce total Approx 20,000 vacancies (following details under below). For Opening and closing dates, official notification, eligibility criteria, online application form link in the article below. Job aspirant can apply for Staff Selection Commission through Apply Online on or before 8th October 2022

Willing aspirant may get more information regarding this job or more other related jobs, may go through this mentioned site WWW.educationheaven.com.

Staff Selection Commission Recruitment Job Notification 2022.

=> Staff Selection Commission <=

Name of Department -: Staff Selection Commission

Job Profile -: Combined Graduate Level Examination, 2022

Total Vacancies -: Approx 20,000 posts. 

Details of Vacancies in Brief -:
1. Assistant Audit Officer
2. Assistant Accounts Officer
3. Assistant Section Officer
4. Assistant / Assistant Section Officer
5. Inspector of Income Tax
6. Inspector, (Central Excise)
7. Inspector (Preventive Officer)
8. Inspector (Examiner)
9. Assistant Enforcement Officer
10. Sub Inspector (CBI)
11. Inspector Posts
12. Inspector
13. Assistant
14. Divisional Accountant
15. Sub Inspector (NIA)
16. Sub-Inspector/ Junior Intelligence Office
17. Junior Statistical Officer
18. Auditor
19. Accountant
20. Accountant/ Junior Accountant
21. Postal Assistant/ Sorting Assistant
22. Senior Secretariat Assistant/ Upper Division Clerks
23. Senior Administrative Assistant
24. Tax Assistant
25. Sub-Inspector (CBN)
26. Upper Division Clerks

Way to Apply -: Apply Online

Age -: Job aspirant should be existing between 20 to 30 years (Post 3,10), 18 to 27 years (Post 18-26) 30 years (Post 1,2,4-9,11-16), 32 years (Post 17) As on 01-01-2022.. For relaxation in age limit, visit at official site. Follow all the instructions which are issued by the govt.

Educational Skills -: Job aspirant should passed Graduation Degree or equivalent examinations from authorized board / institute as per govt forms.

Job Salary -: Deemed Suitable or selected aspirant will get pay scale of Rs. 47600 - 151100/- (Post 1,2), Rs. 44900 - 142400/- (Post 3-12), Rs. 35400 - 112400/- (Post 13-17), Rs. 29200 - 92300/- (Post 18-20), Rs. 25500 - 81100/- (Post 21-26) as per decided by govt. department.The reserved categories shall be applied in accordance with the terms and conditions which are issued by the government.

Process to Apply -: Selection of aspirants will be done on the basis of their performance in Written Test, Interview,Merit List that will be taken by the recruitment panel of organization.

Job Forms fee -: Under General/OBC Category Applicant Has To pay Fee Rs. 100/- & Under (ST/SC/PH/BC) One has to pay fee exempted.

Job Location - All Over India

How could we apply for Staff Selection Commission ? -:
=> Interested candidate click on official website, as https://ssc.nic.in/
=> Go to homepage then click on “Recruitment / Careers” tab.
=> Now you will get the list of various links then click on most appropriate link.
=> Inside this clicked link, you will get the complete information about the posts.
=> Read all information and instructions which are mentioned in it.
=> Now follow all the steps which are mentioned and fill the provided application form in the prescribed manner with duly take care and attached all the required documents.
=> Candidate must attached their colored passport size photograph /certificates/ signature and other required documents, if required.
=> All documents and certificate should be intelligible.
=> Once the application form filled successfully, applicants submit the form. 8th October 2022.

Job Important Dates -: 8th October 2022

Main Website For Staff Selection Commission -:-https://ssc.nic.in/


Staff Selection Commission Application Form stands invalid if -:-
=> Providing wrong information in the Application form.
=> Not complete information filled in the mentioned form.
=> Providing misleading information
=> More than one application form is submitted by Single candidate. Only Single of the application will be considered for final submission.


Karnataka State Police Recruitment 2022 (www.ksp.gov.in) 3484 - Armed Police Constable Posts. Apply Now

Karnataka State Police Recruitment 2022 . -

Karnataka State Police Job Alert: KSP has released Apply Online application for the Armed Police Constable Posts. KSP are introduce total 3484 vacancies (following details under below). For Opening and closing dates, official notification, eligibility criteria, online application form link in the article below. Job aspirant can apply for Karnataka State Police through Apply Online on or before 31st October 2022

Willing aspirant may get more information regarding this job or more other related jobs, may go through this mentioned site WWW.educationheaven.com.

Karnataka State Police Recruitment Job Notification 2022.

=> Karnataka State Police <=

Name of Department -: Karnataka State Police

Job Profile -: Armed Police Constable

Total Vacancies -: 3484 posts. 

Details of Vacancies in Brief -:
1. Armed Police Constable (Male & Male Transgender) - 3064
2. Armed Police Constable (Male & Male Transgender) - 420

Way to Apply -: Apply Online

Age -: Job aspirant should be existing between 18 to 25 years as on 31-10-2022... For relaxation in age limit, visit at official site. Follow all the instructions which are issued by the govt.

Educational Skills -: Job aspirant should passed 10th Pass , 12th Pass or equivalent examinations from authorized board / institute as per govt forms.

Job Salary -: Deemed Suitable or selected aspirant will get pay scale of Rs. 23500 – 47650/-. as per decided by govt. department.The reserved categories shall be applied in accordance with the terms and conditions which are issued by the government.

Process to Apply -: Selection of aspirants will be done on the basis of their performance in Written Test, Interview,Merit List that will be taken by the recruitment panel of organization.

Job Forms fee -: Under General/OBC Category Applicant Has To pay Fee Rs. 400/- & Under (ST/SC/PH/BC) One has to pay fee Rs. 200/-.

Job Location - All Over India

How could we apply for Karnataka State Police ? -:
=> Interested candidate click on official website, as www.ksp.gov.in
=> Go to homepage then click on “Recruitment / Careers” tab.
=> Now you will get the list of various links then click on most appropriate link.
=> Inside this clicked link, you will get the complete information about the posts.
=> Read all information and instructions which are mentioned in it.
=> Now follow all the steps which are mentioned and fill the provided application form in the prescribed manner with duly take care and attached all the required documents.
=> Candidate must attached their colored passport size photograph /certificates/ signature and other required documents, if required.
=> All documents and certificate should be intelligible.
=> Once the application form filled successfully, applicants submit the form. 31st October 2022.

Job Important Dates -: 31st October 2022

Main Website For Karnataka State Police -:-www.ksp.gov.in


Karnataka State Police Application Form stands invalid if -:-
=> Providing wrong information in the Application form.
=> Not complete information filled in the mentioned form.
=> Providing misleading information
=> More than one application form is submitted by Single candidate. Only Single of the application will be considered for final submission.


Telangana State Public Service Commission Recruitment 2022 (www.tspsc.gov.in) 1540 - Assistant Executive Engineer Posts. Apply Now

Telangana State Public Service Commission Recruitment 2022 . -

Telangana State Public Service Commission Job Alert: TSPSC has released Apply Online application for the Assistant Executive Engineer Posts. TSPSC are introduce total 1540 vacancies (following details under below). For Opening and closing dates, official notification, eligibility criteria, online application form link in the article below. Job aspirant can apply for Telangana State Public Service Commission through Apply Online on or before 15th October 2022

Willing aspirant may get more information regarding this job or more other related jobs, may go through this mentioned site WWW.educationheaven.com.

Telangana State Public Service Commission Recruitment Job Notification 2022.

=> Telangana State Public Service Commission <=

Name of Department -: Telangana State Public Service Commission

Job Profile -: Assistant Executive Engineer

Total Vacancies -: 1540 posts. 

Details of Vacancies in Brief -:
1. Assistant Executive Engineer - 1540

Way to Apply -: Apply Online

Age -: Job aspirant should be existing between 18 to 44 Years as on 01-07-2022.. For relaxation in age limit, visit at official site. Follow all the instructions which are issued by the govt.

Educational Skills -: Job aspirant should passed Bachelors Degree of Engineering/ Technology in relevant discipline or equivalent examinations from authorized board / institute as per govt forms.

Job Salary -: Deemed Suitable or selected aspirant will get pay scale of Rs. 54,220 - 1,33,630/- as per decided by govt. department.The reserved categories shall be applied in accordance with the terms and conditions which are issued by the government.

Process to Apply -: Selection of aspirants will be done on the basis of their performance in Written Test, Interview,Merit List that will be taken by the recruitment panel of organization.

Job Location - All Over India

How could we apply for Telangana State Public Service Commission ? -:
=> Interested candidate click on official website, as www.tspsc.gov.in
=> Go to homepage then click on “Recruitment / Careers” tab.
=> Now you will get the list of various links then click on most appropriate link.
=> Inside this clicked link, you will get the complete information about the posts.
=> Read all information and instructions which are mentioned in it.
=> Now follow all the steps which are mentioned and fill the provided application form in the prescribed manner with duly take care and attached all the required documents.
=> Candidate must attached their colored passport size photograph /certificates/ signature and other required documents, if required.
=> All documents and certificate should be intelligible.
=> Once the application form filled successfully, applicants submit the form. 15th October 2022.

Job Important Dates -: 15th October 2022

Main Website For Telangana State Public Service Commission -:-www.tspsc.gov.in


Telangana State Public Service Commission Application Form stands invalid if -:-
=> Providing wrong information in the Application form.
=> Not complete information filled in the mentioned form.
=> Providing misleading information
=> More than one application form is submitted by Single candidate. Only Single of the application will be considered for final submission.


India Post Payments Bank Limited Recruitment 2022 (www.ippbonline.com) 13 - AGM, DGM, Manager, Cheif Manager, Sr Manager Posts. Apply Now

India Post Payments Bank Limited Recruitment 2022 . -

India Post Payments Bank Limited Job Alert: IPPB has released Apply Online application for the AGM, DGM, Manager, Cheif Manager, Sr Manager Posts. IPPB are introduce total 13 vacancies (following details under below). For Opening and closing dates, official notification, eligibility criteria, online application form link in the article below. Job aspirant can apply for India Post Payments Bank Limited through Apply Online on or before 24th September 2022

Willing aspirant may get more information regarding this job or more other related jobs, may go through this mentioned site WWW.educationheaven.com.

India Post Payments Bank Limited Recruitment Job Notification 2022.

=> India Post Payments Bank Limited <=

Name of Department -: India Post Payments Bank Limited

Job Profile -: AGM, DGM, Manager, Cheif Manager, Sr Manager

Total Vacancies -: 13 posts. 

Details of Vacancies in Brief -:
1. AGM - Enterprise/ Integration Architect - 01
2. Chief Manager - IT Project Management - 01
3. AGM - BSG (Business Solutions Group) - 01
4. Chief Manager - Retail Products - 01
5. Chief Manager - Retail Payments - 01
6. AGM (Operations) - 01
7. Senior Manager (Operations) - 01
8. Chief Manager - Fraud Monitoring - 01
9. DGM- Finance & Accounts - 01
10. Manager (Procurement) - 01
11. DGM - Program/Vendor Management - 01
12. Chief Compliance Officer - 01
13. Internal Ombudsman - 01

Way to Apply -: Apply Online

Age -: Job aspirant should be existing between 32 to 45 years (Post 1,3,6), 29 to 45 years (Post 2,4,5,8), 26 to 35 years (Post 7), 35 to 55 years (Post 9,11), 23 to 35 years (Post 10), 38 to 55 years (Post 12) as on 01-09-2022.. For relaxation in age limit, visit at official site. Follow all the instructions which are issued by the govt.

Educational Skills -: Job aspirant should passed Graduation Degree/ B.E./ B.Tech./ MCA/ MBA/ PG Degree/ CA/ ICAI or equivalent examinations from authorized board / institute as per govt forms.

Job Salary -: Deemed Suitable or selected aspirant will get pay scale of as per decided by govt. department.The reserved categories shall be applied in accordance with the terms and conditions which are issued by the government.

Process to Apply -: Selection of aspirants will be done on the basis of their performance in Written Test, Interview,Merit List that will be taken by the recruitment panel of organization.

Job Forms fee -: Under General/OBC Category Applicant Has To pay Fee Rs. 750/- & Under (ST/SC/PH/BC) One has to pay fee Rs. 150/-.

Job Location - All Over India

Address to send application -:

How could we apply for India Post Payments Bank Limited ? -:
=> Interested candidate click on official website, as www.ippbonline.com.
=> Go to homepage then click on “Recruitment / Careers” tab.
=> Now you will get the list of various links then click on most appropriate link.
=> Inside this clicked link, you will get the complete information about the posts.
=> Read all information and instructions which are mentioned in it.
=> Now follow all the steps which are mentioned and fill the provided application form in the prescribed manner with duly take care and attached all the required documents.
=> Candidate must attached their colored passport size photograph /certificates/ signature and other required documents, if required.
=> All documents and certificate should be intelligible.
=> Once the application form filled successfully, applicants submit the form. 24th September 2022.

Job Important Dates -: 24th September 2022

Main Website For India Post Payments Bank Limited -:-www.ippbonline.com


India Post Payments Bank Limited Application Form stands invalid if -:-
=> Providing wrong information in the Application form.
=> Not complete information filled in the mentioned form.
=> Providing misleading information
=> More than one application form is submitted by Single candidate. Only Single of the application will be considered for final submission.


Samagra Shiksha Abhiyan Recruitment 2022 (ww.ssachd.nic.in) 158 - Junior Basic Training (JBTs) Posts. Apply Now

Samagra Shiksha Abhiyan Recruitment 2022 . -

Samagra Shiksha Abhiyan Job Alert: SSA Chandigarh has released Apply Online application for the Junior Basic Training (JBTs) Posts. SSA Chandigarh are introduce total 158 vacancies (following details under below). For Opening and closing dates, official notification, eligibility criteria, online application form link in the article below. Job aspirant can apply for Samagra Shiksha Abhiyan through Apply Online on or before 6th October 2022

Willing aspirant may get more information regarding this job or more other related jobs, may go through this mentioned site WWW.educationheaven.com.

Samagra Shiksha Abhiyan Recruitment Job Notification 2022.

=> Samagra Shiksha Abhiyan <=

Name of Department -: Samagra Shiksha Abhiyan

Job Profile -: Junior Basic Training (JBTs)

Total Vacancies -: 158 posts. 

Details of Vacancies in Brief -:
1. JBT (Primary Teacher) - 158

Way to Apply -: Apply Online

Age -: Job aspirant should be existing between 21 to 37 years as on 01-01-2022.. For relaxation in age limit, visit at official site. Follow all the instructions which are issued by the govt.

Educational Skills -: Job aspirant should passed Graduate / Diploma in Elementary Education (D.El.Ed.) / Pass in Central Teacher Eligibility Test (CTET-I) OR Graduation with Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) or equivalent examinations from authorized board / institute as per govt forms.

Job Salary -: Deemed Suitable or selected aspirant will get pay scale of Rs. 29200/- Per Month as per decided by govt. department.The reserved categories shall be applied in accordance with the terms and conditions which are issued by the government.

Process to Apply -: Selection of aspirants will be done on the basis of their performance in Written Test, Interview,Merit List that will be taken by the recruitment panel of organization.

Job Forms fee -: Under General/OBC Category Applicant Has To pay Fee Rs. 1000/- & Under (ST/SC/PH/BC) One has to pay fee Rs. 500/-.

Job Location - All Over India

Address to send application -:

How could we apply for Samagra Shiksha Abhiyan ? -:
=> Interested candidate click on official website, as ww.ssachd.nic.in
=> Go to homepage then click on “Recruitment / Careers” tab.
=> Now you will get the list of various links then click on most appropriate link.
=> Inside this clicked link, you will get the complete information about the posts.
=> Read all information and instructions which are mentioned in it.
=> Now follow all the steps which are mentioned and fill the provided application form in the prescribed manner with duly take care and attached all the required documents.
=> Candidate must attached their colored passport size photograph /certificates/ signature and other required documents, if required.
=> All documents and certificate should be intelligible.
=> Once the application form filled successfully, applicants submit the form. 6th October 2022.

Job Important Dates -: 6th October 2022

Main Website For Samagra Shiksha Abhiyan -:-ww.ssachd.nic.in


Samagra Shiksha AbhiyanApplication Form stands invalid if -:-
=> Providing wrong information in the Application form.
=> Not complete information filled in the mentioned form.
=> Providing misleading information
=> More than one application form is submitted by Single candidate. Only Single of the application will be considered for final submission.


Central Industrial Security Force Recruitment 2022 (www.cisfrectt.in) 540 - Assistant sub Inspector and Head Constable Posts. Apply Now

Central Industrial Security Force Recruitment 2022 . -

Central Industrial Security Force Job Alert: CISF has released Apply Online application for the Assistant sub Inspector and Head Constable Posts. CISF are introduce total 540 vacancies (following details under below). For Opening and closing dates, official notification, eligibility criteria, online application form link in the article below. Job aspirant can apply for Central Industrial Security Force through Apply Online on or before 25th October 2022

Willing aspirant may get more information regarding this job or more other related jobs, may go through this mentioned site WWW.educationheaven.com.

Central Industrial Security Force Recruitment Job Notification 2022.

=> Central Industrial Security Force <=

Name of Department -: Central Industrial Security Force

Job Profile -: Assistant sub Inspector and Head Constable

Total Vacancies -: 540 posts. 

Details of Vacancies in Brief -:
1. Assistant Sub Inspector (Stenographer) - 122
2. Head Constable (Ministerial) - 418

Way to Apply -: Apply Online

Age -: Job aspirant should be existing between 18 to 25 years as on 25-10-2022.. For relaxation in age limit, visit at official site. Follow all the instructions which are issued by the govt.

Educational Skills -: Job aspirant should passed 12th or equivalent examinations from authorized board / institute as per govt forms.

Job Salary -: Deemed Suitable or selected aspirant will get pay scale of Rs. 29,200 - 92,300/- (Assistant Sub Inspector), Rs.25,500-81,100/- (Head Constable) as per decided by govt. department.The reserved categories shall be applied in accordance with the terms and conditions which are issued by the government.

Process to Apply -: Selection of aspirants will be done on the basis of their performance in Written Test, Interview,Merit List that will be taken by the recruitment panel of organization.

Job Forms fee -: Under General/OBC Category Applicant Has To pay Fee Rs. 100/-. & Under (ST/SC/PH/BC) One has to pay fee Exempted.

Job Location - All Over India

How could we apply for Central Industrial Security Force ? -:
=> Interested candidate click on official website, as www.cisfrectt.in
=> Go to homepage then click on “Recruitment / Careers” tab.
=> Now you will get the list of various links then click on most appropriate link.
=> Inside this clicked link, you will get the complete information about the posts.
=> Read all information and instructions which are mentioned in it.
=> Now follow all the steps which are mentioned and fill the provided application form in the prescribed manner with duly take care and attached all the required documents.
=> Candidate must attached their colored passport size photograph /certificates/ signature and other required documents, if required.
=> All documents and certificate should be intelligible.
=> Once the application form filled successfully, applicants submit the form. 25th October 2022.

Job Important Dates -: 25th October 2022

Main Website For Central Industrial Security Force -:-www.cisfrectt.in


Central Industrial Security ForceApplication Form stands invalid if -:-
=> Providing wrong information in the Application form.
=> Not complete information filled in the mentioned form.
=> Providing misleading information
=> More than one application form is submitted by Single candidate. Only Single of the application will be considered for final submission.


Bihar Public Service Commission Recruitment 2022 (www.bpsc.bih.nic.in.) 40506 - Head Teacher Posts. Apply Now

Bihar Public Service Commission Recruitment 2022 . -

Bihar Public Service Commission Job Alert: BPSC has released Apply Online application for the Head Teacher Posts. BPSC are introduce total 40506 vacancies (following details under below). For Opening and closing dates, official notification, eligibility criteria, online application form link in the article below. Job aspirant can apply for Bihar Public Service Commission through Apply Online on or before 23rd September 2022.

Willing aspirant may get more information regarding this job or more other related jobs, may go through this mentioned site WWW.educationheaven.com.

Bihar Public Service Commission Recruitment Job Notification 2022.

=> Bihar Public Service Commission <=

Name of Department -: Bihar Public Service Commission

Job Profile -: Head Teacher

Total Vacancies -: 40506 posts. 

Details of Vacancies in Brief -:
1. Head Teacher - 40506

Way to Apply -: Apply Online

Age -: Job aspirant should be existing between 60 Years as on 01-08-2021.. For relaxation in age limit, visit at official site. Follow all the instructions which are issued by the govt.

Educational Skills -: Job aspirant should passed Graduation Degree, D.El.Ed/ B.T/ B.Ed./ B.A.Ed/ B.Sc.Ed/ B.L.Ed or equivalent examinations from authorized board / institute as per govt forms.

Job Salary -: Deemed Suitable or selected aspirant will get pay scale of Rs. 30,500/- as per decided by govt. department.The reserved categories shall be applied in accordance with the terms and conditions which are issued by the government.

Process to Apply -: Selection of aspirants will be done on the basis of their performance in Written Test, Interview,Merit List that will be taken by the recruitment panel of organization.

Job Forms fee -: Under General/OBC Category Applicant Has To pay Fee Rs. 750/- & Under (ST/SC/PH/BC) One has to pay fee Rs. 200/-.

Job Location - All Over India

How could we apply for Bihar Public Service Commission ? -:
=> Interested candidate click on official website, as www.bpsc.bih.nic.in.
=> Go to homepage then click on “Recruitment / Careers” tab.
=> Now you will get the list of various links then click on most appropriate link.
=> Inside this clicked link, you will get the complete information about the posts.
=> Read all information and instructions which are mentioned in it.
=> Now follow all the steps which are mentioned and fill the provided application form in the prescribed manner with duly take care and attached all the required documents.
=> Candidate must attached their colored passport size photograph /certificates/ signature and other required documents, if required.
=> All documents and certificate should be intelligible.
=> Once the application form filled successfully, applicants submit the form. 23rd September 2022.

Job Important Dates -: 23rd September 2022.

Main Website For Bihar Public Service Commission -:-www.bpsc.bih.nic.in.


Bihar Public Service Commission Application Form stands invalid if -:-
=> Providing wrong information in the Application form.
=> Not complete information filled in the mentioned form.
=> Providing misleading information
=> More than one application form is submitted by Single candidate. Only Single of the application will be considered for final submission.


State Bank of India Recruitment 2022 (www.sbi.co.in) 5008 - Junior Associate Posts. Apply Now

State Bank of India Recruitment 2022 . -

State Bank of India Job Alert: SBI has released Apply Online application for the Junior Associate Posts. SBI are introduce total 5008 vacancies (following details under below). For Opening and closing dates, official notification, eligibility criteria, online application form link in the article below. Job aspirant can apply for State Bank of India through Apply Online on or before 27th September 2022

Willing aspirant may get more information regarding this job or more other related jobs, may go through this mentioned site WWW.educationheaven.com.

State Bank of India Recruitment Job Notification 2022.

=> State Bank of India <=

Name of Department -: State Bank of India

Job Profile -: Junior Associate

Total Vacancies -: 5008 posts. 

Details of Vacancies in Brief -:
1. Junior Associate (Customer Support & Sales) - 5008

Way to Apply -: Apply Online

Age -: Job aspirant should be existing between 20 to 28 years as on 01-08-2022.. For relaxation in age limit, visit at official site. Follow all the instructions which are issued by the govt.

Educational Skills -: Job aspirant should passed Graduation in any discipline or equivalent examinations from authorized board / institute as per govt forms.

Job Salary -: Deemed Suitable or selected aspirant will get pay scale of Rs. 29,000/- per month as per decided by govt. department.The reserved categories shall be applied in accordance with the terms and conditions which are issued by the government.

Process to Apply -: Selection of aspirants will be done on the basis of their performance in Written Test, Interview,Merit List that will be taken by the recruitment panel of organization.

Job Forms fee -: Under General/OBC Category Applicant Has To pay Fee Rs. 750/- & Under (ST/SC/PH/BC) One has to pay fee Exempted.

Job Location - All Over India

How could we apply for State Bank of India ? -:
=> Interested candidate click on official website, as www.sbi.co.in
=> Go to homepage then click on “Recruitment / Careers” tab.
=> Now you will get the list of various links then click on most appropriate link.
=> Inside this clicked link, you will get the complete information about the posts.
=> Read all information and instructions which are mentioned in it.
=> Now follow all the steps which are mentioned and fill the provided application form in the prescribed manner with duly take care and attached all the required documents.
=> Candidate must attached their colored passport size photograph /certificates/ signature and other required documents, if required.
=> All documents and certificate should be intelligible.
=> Once the application form filled successfully, applicants submit the form. 27th September 2022.

Job Important Dates -: 27th September 2022

Main Website For State Bank of India -:-www.sbi.co.in


State Bank of India Application Form stands invalid if -:-
=> Providing wrong information in the Application form.
=> Not complete information filled in the mentioned form.
=> Providing misleading information
=> More than one application form is submitted by Single candidate. Only Single of the application will be considered for final submission.


Department of Posts Recruitment 2022 (www.indiapost.gov.in) 19 - Staff Car Driver Posts. Apply Now

Department of Posts Recruitment 2022 . -

Department of Posts Job Alert: Mail Motor Service has released Apply Offline application for the Staff Car Driver Posts. Mail Motor Service are introduce total 19 vacancies (following details under below). For Opening and closing dates, official notification, eligibility criteria, online application form link in the article below. Job aspirant can apply for Department of Posts through Apply Offline on or before 26th September 2022

Willing aspirant may get more information regarding this job or more other related jobs, may go through this mentioned site WWW.educationheaven.com.

Department of Posts Recruitment Job Notification 2022.

=> Department of Posts <=

Name of Department -: Department of Posts

Job Profile -: Staff Car Driver

Total Vacancies -: 19 posts. 

Details of Vacancies in Brief -:
1. Staff Car Driver (Ordinary Grade) - 19

Way to Apply -: Apply Offline

Age -: Job aspirant should be existing between 18 to 27 years.. For relaxation in age limit, visit at official site. Follow all the instructions which are issued by the govt.

Educational Skills -: Job aspirant should passed 10th , 12th Pass or equivalent examinations from authorized board / institute as per govt forms.

Job Salary -: Deemed Suitable or selected aspirant will get pay scale of Rs. 19, 900/- as per as per decided by govt. department.The reserved categories shall be applied in accordance with the terms and conditions which are issued by the government.

Process to Apply -: Selection of aspirants will be done on the basis of their performance in Written Test, Interview,Merit List that will be taken by the recruitment panel of organization.

Job Location - All Over India

Address to send application -:
The Manager, Mail Motor Service, Bengaluru-560001. 

How could we apply for Department of Posts ? -:
Interested candidate who wants to apply, need to download the application form from the official website www.indiapost.gov.in and fill all the relevant details which is mandatory in the application form and also attached the required documents and certificates and sent it to the mentioned address with in prescribed time. 26th September 2022.

Job Important Dates -: 26th September 2022

Main Website For Department of Posts -:-www.indiapost.gov.in


Department of PostsApplication Form stands invalid if -:-
=> Providing wrong information in the Application form.
=> Not complete information filled in the mentioned form.
=> Providing misleading information
=> More than one application form is submitted by Single candidate. Only Single of the application will be considered for final submission.


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